When You Visit Starview

We're not anything like your regular retail store, & we don't operate the way the other places do either. Our regulars know the routine, but sometimes we forget that new customers aren't familiar with how we work. Hopefully this will be some help when you come visit us.

We Keep Our Aisles Open For You To Walk Around & Look:

We don't have carts, but we have lots of helping hands. Ever been to the Grocery before a snow, or stuck on the interstate behind an accident? Combine those & that's what Starview would be like if we used carts.

​Our aisles are smaller (compared to the big-box stores) which is how we can supply you with way more variety & inventory. Our helpers will be happy to carry your items to your bench and start you a "pile".

We've got your number... on the bench:

Behind the Garden Center in the main greenhouse is a loading area with numbered benches. When you make your first selection, we will place it on a bench in the loading area & give you a number. From then on we will be happy to carry as much as you like to your bench.

Tickets Please:

When you are finished shopping, our staff will write you out a ticket. Take that ticket to the cashier in the Garden Center to checkout. Different areas of our place (Shade House, Perennial House, Tree & Shrub Lot may write their own tickets, so this is one time that getting more than one ticket is just fine!

Load 'em up and head out:

After you pay, drive your car around to the loading area & give our staff your bench number & receipt. We will help you load your items so you can take them to their new home!

That's all folks:

It may sound like a crazy system, but it works. Trust us, we've been doing it for years!

​Of course, if you only have a few items, you are free to bypass the benches & carry them straight to the register.

Thank you for shopping with us!

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